IP Sets

IP Sets allow cluster connectivity out of the e6data control plane. The set of IP addresses can be used to access the cluster.

Only users with SuperAdmin or DataAdmin privileges can manage Cluster Connectivity.

Create IP Sets

To create an IP Set, please follow the below steps -

  1. Navigate to Connectivity from left navigation

  2. From the dropdown, select IP Sets

  3. Click on the CREATE option provided in the right top corner

  4. Enter the following details in the create form -

    1. IP Set Name: Provide a name to the IP set

    2. Description: Enter the description of the IP set. This field is optional.

    3. IP address: Enter the IP Address that will be used

  5. Click on CREATE.

Update IP Sets

  1. Navigate to IP Sets

  2. Select the IP set you want to update.

  3. Click on Edit.

  4. You can update the following:

    1. IP Set name: Provide a new name to the IP set

    2. Description: Update the description (optional)

    3. IP Addresses: Add or Remove IP addresses as per your requirement.

  5. Click on Update.

Delete IP Sets

  1. Navigate to IP Sets

  2. Select the IP set you want to delete.

  3. Click on Delete.

  4. Click on Confirm to delete.

Last updated

Change request #930: Cross account hive GCP