4th September 2023


The 4th September 2023 release of e6data includes the following features & enhancements:

Usage Notes

No user action is required to access the features in this release.

Enable/Disable Workspaces

A new option has been provided on the Workspace listing page to enable and disable Workspaces through the UI:

  1. Disabling a Workspace terminates all resources in the workspace node group/node pool to save costs.

  2. Enabling a Workspace spins up the required resources again.

Since all components are disabled and not deleted, when a Workspace is enabled again all previously created platform components will be available. Recreating the components will not be required.

More information: Enable/Disable Workspaces

UI Enhancements

  • The Schema Explorer in the Query Editor can now be expanded or collapsed to allow users to optimize screen real estate.

  • The refresh button in the Cluster Metrics page has been improved, allowing users to set an auto-refresh interval for the dashboard.

Last updated

Change request #930: Cross account hive GCP