15th April 2023


The 15th April 2023 release of e6data includes the following features & enhancements:

Usage Notes

To get access to all features from this release:

  • Update Workspaces

Platform Release Notes

Cross-account Catalog Support

e6data is now able to connect to:

  • Hive Metastores

  • AWS Glue Metastores

which are in cloud accounts different from the e6data Workspace.

More information: Cross-account Catalog Access

Execution Planner Enhancements

The Execution Planner now displays Operator/Node Plan characteristics.

Query Editor Enhancements

The Query Editor now auto-saves/retains the query context in case a user refreshes the page or logs out.

Retained details:

  • query results

  • query status

  • result row count

  • query cost

Last updated

Change request #930: Cross account hive GCP