21st August 2023


The 21st August 2023 release of e6data includes the following features & enhancements:

Usage Notes

No user action is required to access the features in this release.

Separate Query Editor Viewer Role

For improved security, the QueryEditorViewer role has been separated. This allows Admins to provide Query Editor access to only specified users or groups.

Query Editor access will not be provided to any roles by default, including SuperAdmin & AccessAdmins.

Query Resume in Query Editor

If a user tries to run a query using a suspended cluster, they will be prompted for consent to resume the cluster prior to executing the query.

Customizing Query History View

Users can now edit the columns displayed in Query History to suit their requirements. The edited view will be automatically saved and shown in during each session.

Adding the Ability to Edit Catalogs

Existing catalogs can be edited to select/deselect the schemas that should be used.

Adding Ability to Provision External Access to Clusters

Users can now enable external access to clusters directly from the e6data Console.

Last updated

Change request #930: Cross account hive GCP