14th March 2024

We're pleased to introduce the latest updates to the e6data platform. Below is the list of new features and enhancements now available on the e6data platform.

Introducing the DataExport Role: Enhanced Query Result Download Capability

In the latest release, a new role called DataExport has been introduced in the access control settings. This role shares similar features with the Data Analyst role, with the key distinction being that users assigned the DataExport role can download query results after execution. In contrast, users with the Data Analyst role cannot. For more information, please refer to the documentation.

Enhanced Resource Selection Dropdown in Catalog Privileges

We've improved the search and resource selection features in the dropdown menu of the privilege form. Now, when working with numerous schema resources in catalogs, it will display up to 250 resource options per field, minimizing reload time. Additional resources will load based on search criteria. To select all options in the dropdown, choose the "Select All (*)" option.

Introducing Client Perceived Time in Query History

In the latest update, a new column named "Client Perceived Time" has been introduced to the query history. This column shows the duration from when a user initiates a query to the presentation of results in the user interface. This information will also be included in the exported CSV file.

Last updated

Change request #930: Cross account hive GCP