Catalog Errors


Error Message:

  • Invalid or missing catalog name/ID. Please provide a valid catalog name/ID


  • When attempting to perform operations such as edit, refresh, or delete on a catalog through the API, an error occurs if the user either provides an incorrect catalog name/ID or fails to provide it altogether. The catalog name/ID is essential for identifying the specific catalog on which the operation should be performed.


  • To resolve this issue, ensure that the user provides the correct catalog name or ID when performing operations on a catalog through the API. Double-check the input parameters and verify that the provided catalog name or ID corresponds to an existing catalog within the workspace.

Error Type

  • Programmatic


Error Message:

  • Catalog name already exists.


  • When attempting to create a new catalog, an error occurs if the provided catalog name already exists within the application. Each catalog must have a unique name to avoid conflicts and ensure proper identification within the platform.


  • To resolve this issue, choose a different name for the catalog that is not already in use within the workspace. Ensure that the new catalog name accurately reflects the purpose or characteristics of the catalog being created. By selecting a unique name, you can successfully create the catalog without encountering naming conflicts within the platform.

Error Type

  • Programmatic


Error Message:

  • Failed to establish connection to metastore.


  • An error occurred while attempting to establish a connection to the metastore. Several possible scenarios could prevent the connection from being established, including issues with infrastructure connectivity with the metastore, metastore instance could be stopped or deleted, or incorrect configuration of the hive IP and port provided during hive catalog creation.


  • To resolve this issue, the user should check if the metastore instance is running and accessible. If the metastore instance is stopped or deleted, it may need to be restarted or recreated. Finally, double-check the hive IP and port provided during hive catalog creation to ensure they are correct. Correcting any configuration errors should allow the connection to the metastore to be established successfully. If still the issue persists, please contact for further investigation and resolution of the problem.


Error Message:

  • Hive metastore IP not provided.


  • During the creation of a catalog from the API, this error occurs if the user forgets to provide the hive metastore IP. The hive metastore IP is essential for connecting to the metastore in the cloud account and fetching the schema information required for the catalog.


  • To resolve this issue, the user must ensure to provide the hive metastore IP when creating a catalog from the API. Double-check the input parameters and include the correct hive metastore IP to establish the connection with the metastore and successfully create the catalog. Providing the necessary hive metastore IP ensures that the catalog can fetch the required schema information without encountering errors.

Error Type

  • Programmatic


Error Message:

  • Hive metastore port not provided.


  • During the creation of a catalog from the API, this error occurs if the user forgets to provide the port to connect to the hive metastore. The port number is essential for establishing the connection with the metastore in the cloud account and fetching the schema information required for the catalog.


  • To resolve this issue, the user must ensure to provide the hive metastore port when creating a catalog from the API. Double-check the input parameters and include the correct port number to establish the connection with the metastore and successfully create the catalog. Providing the necessary hive metastore port ensures that the catalog can fetch the required schema information without encountering errors.

Error Type

  • Programmatic


Error Message:

  • Catalog cannot be deleted while attached to a cluster.


  • When attempting to delete a catalog, an error occurs if the catalog is already attached to a cluster. Catalogs are essential components for fetching schema information, and deleting a catalog while it's still attached to a cluster could lead to data inconsistencies or errors in query execution.


  • To resolve this issue, the user must first detach the catalog from the cluster before attempting to delete it. This can be done by editing the cluster configuration and removing the association with the catalog. Alternatively, if the cluster is no longer needed, the user can delete the cluster entirely, which will automatically detach the catalog. Once the catalog is detached from the cluster, the user can proceed to delete it without encountering any errors.


Error Message:

  • An unexpected error occurred while performing the operation on the catalog.


  • During the execution of an operation on the catalog, an unexpected error has occurred in the backend. Users are advised to contact to report the issue and get assistance from the technical team in resolving it.


  • To address this issue, users should reach out to for further investigation and resolution of the problem. Support team will analyze the error details, troubleshoot the issue, and work towards resolving it efficiently. Providing comprehensive information about the encountered error can expedite the troubleshooting process and lead to a quicker resolution.


Error Message:

  • Catalog refresh failed: Catalog is not in an active state.


  • The attempted refresh operation on the catalog failed because the catalog is not currently in an active state. To perform a successful refresh, the catalog must not be in the creating, editing, or failed state. These states indicate ongoing or previous operations that need to be resolved before proceeding with the refresh.


  • If the catalog is in the creating or editing state, the user should wait until the previous operation completes before attempting the refresh. Once the ongoing operation finishes, the catalog will transition to an active state, allowing the refresh to proceed. If the catalog is in a failed state, the user should create a new catalog to replace the failed one. This ensures that the catalog is in a functional state for fetching schema information from the metastore.


Error Message:

  • Catalog refresh operation failed. Please refer to the provided error log file to identify the cause of the failure.


  • During the refresh operation of a catalog, an error occurred. The refresh operation is responsible for updating the schema information fetched from the metastore in the cloud account. The failure of this operation may result from various factors such as network issues, resource constraints, or configuration errors.


  • To resolve this issue, the user should refer to the provided error log file associated with the catalog refresh operation. The error log file will contain detailed information about the cause of the failure, allowing the user to identify and address the underlying issue. Once the root cause is identified and resolved, the user can retry the catalog refresh operation to ensure accurate schema information retrieval.


Error Message:

  • Only one catalog can be connected to one unity catalog.


  • An error occurred due to a limitation where only one unity type of catalog can be created. This restriction prevents multiple catalogs from being associated with a single unity catalog, which is necessary for catalog configurations.


  • To address this limitation, users can either wait for a future release where this constraint will be fixed, or they can adjust their setup to comply with the current limitation.


Error Message:

  • Catalog operation failed due to insufficient permissions.


  • The operation on the catalog failed due to insufficient permissions in the user's cloud account. Without the necessary permissions, the user cannot perform any operations on the catalog, such as creating, editing, or refreshing catalog.


  • To rectify this issue, the user should ensure that their cloud account permissions are correctly configured to enable catalog operations. This entails granting the necessary privileges for accessing and modifying catalog components within the cloud environment. Once the appropriate permissions are in place, the user can attempt to perform the desired catalog operation again.


Error Message:

  • The catalog validation operation failed due to a lack of communication between the infrastructure and the metastore.


  • The catalog validation process failed because there is no communication between the infrastructure and the metastore. This lack of communication could be attributed to unavailable infrastructure resources preventing the connection with the metastore.


  • To resolve this issue, the user should wait for the infrastructure resources to come back online. Once the infrastructure is operational again, retry the catalog validation process. If the issue persists despite the infrastructure being online, the user should contact the support team at for further assistance in diagnosing and resolving the communication problem between the infrastructure and the metastore.


Error Message:

  • The catalog validation operation failed due to a lack of communication between the infrastructure and the metastore.


  • The catalog validation process failed because there is no communication between the infrastructure and the metastore. This lack of communication could be attributed to unavailable infrastructure resources preventing the connection with the metastore.


  • To resolve this issue, the user should wait for the infrastructure resources to come back online. Once the infrastructure is operational again, retry the catalog validation process. If the issue persists despite the infrastructure being online, the user should contact the support team at for further assistance in diagnosing and resolving the communication problem between the infrastructure and the metastore.

Error Type

  • Programmatic

Last updated

Change request #930: Cross account hive GCP