Results Pane
This page explains how to view and interpret query results in the e6data Query Editor.
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This page explains how to view and interpret query results in the e6data Query Editor.
Last updated
The area beneath the editor, where you can observe the output, is known as the result pane. The results pane displays the following:
Query execution has different statuses which are displayed in the results pane:
Connecting with the engine: This status comes first as soon as you run the query. It shows that the engine and executor trying to connect.
Compiling: This status comes after the engine and executor are connected and when the query hits the cluster and till execution.
Executing: The query is running.
Failed: You will get this status if the query fails due to some error.
The Execution Time is the total time taken to run a query and return results. A more detailed breakdown of this time can be seen by hovering over the Execution Time.
Wall Time
The total time taken to run a query and return results. Is the sum of the below components
Planning Time
The time taken to generate the execution plan.
Queue Time
The time taken in the query queue prior to execution.
Execution Time
The time taken to execute the execution plan.
Transit Time
The time taken to communicate with the cluster, streaming results & latency.
The query plan is a set of steps executed by the engine when it processes a query. These steps may include creating temporary tables, reading data from a source database, populating temporary tables, and building distribution lists, among many others.
To view the Query Execution Plan, click the Execution Time > Show Execution Plan.
After query execution, you can view the results in the pane below the editor. The total number of rows returned by the query (including rows that are not displayed). Here are some additional features:
Copy and View Result Cell Data: In the result pane, you can select and view individual cell data. This feature also enables you to copy cell data, which proves particularly useful when dealing with extensive results.
Export Result CSV: Download query results in CSV format post-execution by selecting 'Export Result CSV' in the left-side result pane. In the event of downloading a large result set, the process may take some time, and you may observe a progress bar indicating the download status.
Unload Large Result Set to Object Storage: To download a large result set, you can use the COPY INTO command and store it in your cloud storage.
Only the first 10,000 rows will be displayed in the browser.
To access more than 10,000 rows use an external connector.