Manage Catalogs

Catalogs can be added, edited, refreshed and deleted from the Catalog listing page.

Create Catalogs

Please refer to Create Catalogs for instructions to create different catalog types.

Refresh Catalogs

When a schema is modified (tables added/deleted, etc.), a catalog should be refreshed for the changes to be reflected in e6data. You can refresh the catalog for a particular schema that has been added to the catalog.

  • Navigate to Catalogs from the left navbar.

  • Click on the Refresh icon.

  • Select the database that has to be updated from the dropdown options provided.

  • Click on the Refresh button.

Edit Catalogs

Catalogs can be edited to change the schemas/databases accessible to e6data.

  • Navigate to Catalogs from the left navbar.

  • Click the kebab (3 dots) icon of the Catalog that requires a refresh.

  • Click Edit

  • Use the Select Schemas dropdown to select/deselect the required schemas.

  • Select/deselect schemas as required.

  • Click Update Catalog

Delete Catalogs

When a schema is no longer used or needs to be removed from a workspace it can be deleted.

  • Navigate to Catalogs from the left navbar.

  • Click the kebab (3 dots) icon of the Catalog to be deleted.

  • Click Delete

Error Handling

In the event of a failure during catalog operations, the platform offers solutions that can be referred to and take appropriate actions based on the nature of the failure.

Retry Catalog Operation

This feature is beneficial if your catalog encounters a failure during the creation operation. It enables to retry of the catalog creation process. To initiate the retry, simply click on the retry icon provided.

Download log file

In case of failure, the user can download a log file in case of any failure. The log file will help to identify the cause of failure. To download the log file, click on the download icon provided.

Last updated