Power BI

Power BI is a Microsoft business intelligence platform that allows users to visualize and analyze data from various sources, including SQL databases.


Before you begin the process of connecting e6data with Power BI, make sure you have the following pre-requisites in place:

  • Establish a Gateway connection in your cluster.

    • If it’s a serverless cluster, just enable gateway connectivity toggle button under connection details of cluster.

  • Power Bi desktop . Link to download

  • Download the Starbrust ODBC driver and install the driver. link

  • Acquire the necessary credentials:

    • User Name: Used for logging into e6data.

    • Password: Token generated by the user.

    • Host Name: The host IP of the cluster for the connection.

    • Database (optional): Name of the database in the given catalog.

    • Catalog (optional): Name of the catalog.

Steps for connecting to e6data

Follow these simple steps to connect e6data with Power BI:

  • Step 1: Start Power BI desktop

    • Open and Start Power BI desktop we we already have installed on our laptop

  • Step 2: Go to Get Data Section

    • Click on get data and search for starburst connector and click on connect

New Report → Home → Get data → starburst connector

  • Step 3: Establish the Connection

    • Provide the below details to make the connection with e6data

      1. Host: The host IP of the cluster for the connection.

      2. Port: 443

      3. Catalog (optional): Name of the catalog

      4. import/DirectQuery: Select among import/DirectQuery based on requirements

        • While using custom SQL query please ensure to give path to table asdb.schemaname.tablename

      • Click on OK and it will redirect to new tab

        • Choose LDAP

        • User Name: Used for logging into e6data.

        • Password: Token generated by the user.

        • click on connect

Step 4 : Adding Databases

  • Select the desired catalog and tables for creating visualisation and click load

Step 5 : Utilize Power BI Features

  • With the successful connection, you can now create charts and run SQL queries using PowerBI.

By following these steps, you'll establish a connection between e6data and Power BI, enabling you to seamlessly integrate and visualize your data.


If you face below error stating:

SSL Error: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

We need to download and install 5 certificates to tackle this issue by following the below steps:

  • Navigate to the Amazon Trust Repo page.

  • Under the Root CA’s will be the required 5 certificates.

  • In that, under the Self-Signed Certificate column, choose the DER option for all 5 certificates to download.

  • Once downloaded, open the certificate. A dialogue box will appear.

  • Select Install Certificate -> Current User -> Automatically select the certificate store -> Finish.

  • You should get a installation successful popup.

  • To validate the installation, navigate to Start -> Manage Computer certificates

  • On the left-side panel, Trusted Root Certification Authorities -> Certificates

  • You must see Amazon Root CA 1, Amazon Root CA 2, etc…

  • Restart PowerBI and re-establish the connection.

Last updated