Sign Up

This article will help you to create your e6data account

To start using e6data, you also need to have an active Cloud Account (AWS, GCP or Azure)

  1. Head to the e6 signup page.

  2. Provide fill in the required details

    1. Name

    2. Business Email Address

    3. Organization Name

    4. Role

    5. Alias/Domain (this will be the subdomain used to login to the e6data console)

  3. Click Start Trial

  4. You will receive a welcome mail from The mail contains the verification token to set a new password and the unique subdomain created for your company. Please bookmark this URL for future access

  5. Click the ‘Your e6data Console’ link in the mail, to activate your account.

  6. Set your password and log in to your e6data account.

The world of fast querying is now yours to conquer.

Last updated