Workspace Errors
Diagnose and resolve issues related to workspace setup and usage.
Workspace Errors
Error Message:
Missing Workspace Parameters.
The attempt to access the workspace through the API failed because the required workspace parameters, such as name or ID were not provided.
To resolve this issue, ensure that all required parameters, such as the workspace name or ID, are provided when accessing the workspace through the API. Verify that the correct parameters are included in the API request payload before sending the request. Once the necessary parameters are provided, retry accessing the workspace through the API to proceed successfully.
Error Type:
Error Message:
Cannot delete workspace without deleting existing resources.
The deletion of the workspace failed because there are existing resources within the workspace that need to be deleted first.
To resolve this issue, the user must first delete all existing resources within the workspace before attempting to delete the workspace itself. Review the resources associated with the workspace and delete them individually, ensuring that there are no remaining dependencies. Once all resources have been removed, the user can proceed to delete the workspace successfully without encountering any errors.
Error Message:
Workspace not available for operation.
The operation on the workspace failed because the specified workspace either does not exist or an incorrect workspace name was provided. Attempting to perform operations on a non-existent or incorrectly named workspace results in an error.
To resolve this issue, ensure that the correct workspace name is provided when performing workspace operations. If the workspace does not exist, verify the name or select an existing workspace. Review the available workspaces and their names to ensure accuracy. Correcting the workspace name or selecting an existing workspace will enable the successful execution of operations within the designated workspace.
Error Type:
Error Message:
Workspace disabled: Cannot perform actions on cluster or catalog.
The attempted action on the cluster or catalog failed because the associated workspace is disabled.
To resolve this issue, enable the workspace associated with the clusters and catalogs on which the user intends to perform actions. Access the platform's workspace settings and enable the disabled workspace. Once the workspace is enabled, retry the action on the cluster or catalog to proceed successfully. Ensure that the workspace remains enabled to avoid encountering similar errors in the future.
Error Type
Error Message:
An unknown error occurred while performing the operation on the workspace.
During the execution of an operation on the workspace, an unknown error has occurred in the backend. Users are advised to contact to report the issue and get assistance from the technical team in resolving it.
To address this issue, users should reach out to for further investigation and resolution of the problem. Support team will analyze the error details, troubleshoot the issue, and work towards resolving it efficiently. Providing comprehensive information about the encountered error can expedite the troubleshooting process and lead to a quicker resolution.
Error Message:
Invalid workspace inputs detected. Please review and update the values before retrying.
The workspace could not be created, updated, or enabled due to invalid input values provided during the setup process. The system detected issues with the Kubernetes or cloud configuration inputs, which must be corrected to proceed with the operation.
Review and update the workspace input values, ensuring they meet the required format and specifications. Once corrected, retry the operation to Create, Update, or Enable the workspace.
Error Message:
Workspace deletion failed: Unable to locate edited parameter values
The workspace deletion failed because during the edit operation, the parameter values were modified, and now the system is unable to find these edited values, which could be incorrect.
Please review and correct the edited parameter values in the workspace before attempting deletion again
Error Message:
Workspace disabled: API request cannot be processed.
The API request to the workspace failed because the workspace is currently disabled.
To resolve this issue, enable the workspace associated with the API request. Access the platform's workspace settings and enable the disabled workspace. Once the workspace is enabled, retry the API request to proceed successfully. Ensure that the workspace remains enabled to avoid encountering similar errors in the future.
Error Type
Error Message:
Cannot disable workspace while cluster operation is in progress.
While a cluster operation is in progress, such as creation, deletion, or modification, the workspace cannot be disabled to prevent potential conflicts or disruptions to the ongoing operation.
To resolve this issue, wait for the ongoing cluster operation to complete before attempting to disable the workspace again. Monitor the progress of the cluster operation and ensure that it finishes successfully. Once the cluster operation is completed, retry disabling the workspace. This will allow the workspace to be disabled without any conflicts or restrictions imposed by ongoing cluster operations.
Error Type
Error Message:
Cannot disable workspace while catalog operation is in progress.
While a catalog operation is in progress, such as creation, deletion, or modification, the workspace cannot be disabled to prevent potential conflicts or disruptions to the ongoing operation.
To resolve this issue, wait for the ongoing catalog operation to complete before attempting to disable the workspace again. Monitor the progress of the catalog operation and ensure that it finishes successfully. Once the catalog operation is completed, retry disabling the workspace. This will allow the workspace to be disabled without any conflicts or restrictions imposed by ongoing catalog operations.
Error Type
Error Message:
Cannot Enable Workspace: Workspace Already Enabled or in Progress.
Enabling a workspace is only possible when it is in a disabled state. Trying to enable an already enabled workspace or one that is still being created or validated will result in this error.
To resolve this issue, ensure that the workspace is in a disabled state before attempting to enable it. Check the current state of the workspace and wait for any ongoing creating or validating processes to complete. Once the workspace is fully disabled, retry enabling it via the API. This will allow the workspace to be enabled successfully without any conflicts or restrictions.
Error Type
Error Message:
Cannot resume cluster while workspace is still enabling.
While the workspace is still in the process of enabling, it is not fully functional, and attempting to resume the cluster during this time may lead to potential conflicts or disruptions.
To resolve this issue, wait for the workspace to complete the enabling process and become fully active before attempting to resume the cluster. Monitor the progress of the workspace enabling process and ensure that it finishes successfully. Once the workspace is active, retry resuming the cluster. This will allow the cluster to resume without any conflicts or restrictions imposed by the workspace's enabling state.
Error Type
Error Message:
Cannot disable workspace in current state.
The attempt to disable the workspace failed because the workspace is currently in the creating, validating, or disabled state. While the workspace is in any of these states, it cannot be disabled as it may lead to potential conflicts or disruptions in the workspace's functionality.
To resolve this issue, wait for the workspace to complete the creating or validating operations before attempting to disable it. Monitor the progress of the workspace and ensure that it transitions to an active state. Additionally, if the workspace is already in the disabled state, there is no need to attempt to disable it again. Verify the current state of the workspace and only attempt to disable it when it is in an active state.
Error Type
Error Message:
An unknown error occurred while enabling the workspace.
During the execution of an operation on the workspace, an unknown error has occurred in the backend. Users are advised to contact to report the issue and get assistance from the technical team in resolving it.
To address this issue, user can retry the same operation after a few minutes. In case the issue still persists please reach out to us on for further investigation and resolution of the problem. Our, support team will analyze the error details, troubleshoot the issue, and provide a comprehensive information.
Error Type
Error Message:
An unknown error occurred while creating the workspace.
During the execution of an operation on the workspace, an unknown error has occurred in the backend. Users are advised to contact to report the issue and get assistance from the technical team in resolving it.
To address this issue, user can retry the same operation after a few minutes. In case the issue still persists please reach out to us on for further investigation and resolution of the problem. Our, support team will analyze the error details, troubleshoot the issue, and provide a comprehensive information.
Error Type
Error Message:
Workspace Disable Failed: Components Not Terminated.
During the execution of an operation on the workspace, an unknown error has occurred in the backend. Users are advised to contact to report the issue and get assistance from the technical team in resolving it.
To address this issue, user can retry the same operation after a few minutes. In case the issue still persists please reach out to us on for further investigation and resolution of the problem. Our, support team will analyze the error details, troubleshoot the issue, and provide a comprehensive information.
Error Type
Error Message:
An unknown error occurred while updating the workspace.
During the execution of an operation on the workspace, an unknown error has occurred in the backend. Users are advised to contact to report the issue and get assistance from the technical team in resolving it.
To address this issue, user can retry the same operation after a few minutes. In case the issue still persists please reach out to us on for further investigation and resolution of the problem. Our, support team will analyze the error details, troubleshoot the issue, and provide a comprehensive information.
Error Type
Error Message:
Workspace Action Failed: Image Retrieval Error.
The requested action for the workspace encountered an error while attempting to retrieve an image from the e6data repository.
To resolve this issue, the user should contact customer for assistance. Support team can investigate the cause of the failure to pull the image from the repository and provide guidance on resolving the issue.
Error Type
Error Message:
Workspace Creation Failed: Workspace Already Exists
The attempt to create a new workspace failed because a workspace with the specified name already exists in the system.
To resolve this issue, choose a different name for the workspace that does not already exist in the system. Ensure that the new name is unique and reflects the purpose or context of the workspace. After selecting a unique name, retry the workspace creation process. This will allow the new workspace to be created successfully without any naming conflicts.
Error Type
Error Message:
Workspace Creation/Update Failed: Missing Required Field(s) <missing_field>.
The attempt to create or update a workspace encountered an error due to missing mandatory input fields. Certain input fields are mandatory for creating or updating a workspace, and their absence results in this error.
To resolve this issue, ensure that all mandatory input fields are provided when creating or updating a workspace. Review the workspace creation/update form or API request to identify the missing fields. Populate these fields with the required information and retry the operation. By providing all necessary input fields, the workspace creation/update process can be completed successfully.
Error Type
Error Message:
Workspace Update Failed: Existing Endpoints Not Deleted.
The attempt to update the workspace failed because existing endpoints associated with the workspace have not been deleted. When updating a workspace, changes such as modifying the Kubernetes name may require the deletion of existing endpoints to ensure consistency and avoid conflicts.
To resolve this issue, delete the existing endpoints associated with the workspace before attempting to update it. This can typically be done through the platform's interface or via API requests. Once the existing endpoints are deleted, retry the workspace update operation. By ensuring that no endpoints are present, the workspace update can proceed without encountering errors related to endpoint conflicts.
Error Type
Error Message:
Workspace Action Failed: Insufficient Compute Resources.
The attempted workspace action has failed due to unavailable compute resources in the selected Availability Zone. Insufficient compute resources hinder the execution of workspace actions, resulting in failure.
To address this issue, the user should increase the compute resource quota in their cloud account, particularly in the selected Availability Zone where the workspace is being operated. This can typically be done through the cloud provider's console or by contacting their support for assistance with resource allocation adjustments. After increasing the compute resource quota, retry the workspace action to proceed successfully.
Error Type
Error Message:
Workspace Operation Failed: Insufficient Permissions.
The attempted workspace operation has failed due to incorrect or insufficient permissions in the user's cloud account. Lack of proper permissions hinders the execution of workspace operations, resulting in failure.
To resolve this issue, the user needs to provide the correct or missing permissions in their cloud account. This can usually be done by adjusting the permissions settings or policies associated with the user's account or the specific resources involved in the workspace operation. Once the necessary permissions are granted, retry the workspace operation to proceed successfully. If unsure about which permissions are required, the user can consult the platform documentation or contact support for guidance.
Error Type
Error Message:
Operation failed: Another workspace operation is in progress in the same region
A workspace operation is currently being performed in the same region, preventing multiple operations from running simultaneously to ensure data integrity and avoid conflicts.
Please wait for the ongoing operation to complete, then try again. You can monitor the current operation's status or retry after some time. If the issue persists, contact support for assistance.
Last updated