Schema Explorer

The Schema Explorer pane on the left can view AVAILABLE & ACTIVE catalogs connected to the clusters. The Schema Explorer pane displays all catalogs, databases & tables in a hierarchical, expandable tree diagram.

Key Features

  • Click the refresh icon to reload the database after catalog refresh/update.

  • Close the schema explorer using the option provided at the top right corner.

  • Resize the schema explorer by dragging its border.

  • Copy the table name by hovering over it.

  • View the list of columns in a table by clicking on the table name.

  • Place column names in the editor and preview the table using options in the column's table kebab menu.

  • The column datatype is displayed next to each column name.

  • You can search any catalog and table name in the search section.

You can search for any database and table name only after expanding the catalog and database.

Last updated