6th Sept 2024

We're excited to announce the latest updates and enhancements to e6data. This release brings a host of new features, improvements, and bug fixes to enhance your experience with our platform.

Enhanced Data Analyst role


We are pleased to announce an update to our RBAC system with the introduction of an enhanced Data Analyst role. This role is designed to offer more fine-tuned access controls for query execution, ensuring that users can perform their tasks efficiently while adhering to data governance and security policies.

Key Features of the enhanced "Data Analyst" Role:

  • Programmatic Access: Users with the Data Analyst role can execute queries programmatically, allowing them to integrate query execution into automated processes, scripts, or APIs for streamlined data analysis and reporting.

  • Query Editor Export: Users are granted access to the query editor and can download query results. This functionality allows data analysts to run queries and export the resulting data for offline analysis or further use, ensuring flexible access to data.

  • Query Editor View Only: Users can execute queries using the query editor but are restricted from downloading query results. This is ideal for scenarios where data needs to be analyzed on-platform without the risk of sensitive data being exported.

Last updated